What Problems Can Be Solved Through Massage

More and more people want to try alternative treatment methods, instead of going to the doctor every time there’s a problem with their health. We’re not saying that you should avoid going to the doctors, but in some cases, a massage done by a professional therapist can help with alleviating or eliminating the problem.

Cervical Contractures
Also known as a stiff neck, the cervical contractures can be pretty bad. Usually, a muscle in the neck contracts extremely bad and doesn’t allow the person to move the head or bend it in the other direction. The pain can be so severe that can bring you down to tears, and the doctors recommend painkillers and resting in bed.

However, even with the medicine, it can take up to at least one or two weeks before the pain disappears. That’s not a good thing to do if you consider the amount of medicine that you have to take. A massage therapist can solve this situation with a few massage sessions, depending on how bad the contracture is. It all starts with warming the neck muscles until they are ready to sustain a deep tissue massage. You will see that even if it may feel uncomfortable in the beginning, at the end of the session you will be able to move your head and the pain will be less intense.

Back Pains
Unless they are given by a herniated disc (a small fracture that appears in the discs of the spine), the back pains are given by sore muscles and contractures that appear due to many reasons – you sit too much on the chair, the posture is not right; you drive for many hours and so on. This can also be solved through massage sessions, but you will also need to take care of some aspects on the future – sitting right on the chairs, taking breaks from driving after a few hours and so on.

Swelling of the Limbs
After major surgeries or after severe accidents, the lymphatic system doesn’t work properly and this can make your hands or your legs swell. The doctors still don’t have enough information on how to treat this problem, but a lymphatic massage will help with drainage and reducing the swelling.

A lymphatic massage is close to a relaxing massage, with the difference that it’s done for each part that you need. Through the massage, the ganglia in your body are activated to make them work properly – the lymphatic system will be activated and you will see the swelling reduced after a few sessions. However, the trick is to drink a lot of water during these days, to give another helping hand to your body.

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